Thursday 29 November 2012

Choose a better smile

Have you received the best treatment possible? This is a question every patient must ask themselves.
When we talk about the best treatment possible – we don’t mean whether your dentist did a wonderful RCT or a beautiful crown. What we mean is – Did your dentist see your potential? Did he inform you of everything that COULD be done instead of only what SHOULD be done?
A lot of dental practitioners have blinkers on – just like horses. You tell them you have a tooth hurting and all they see is THAT tooth. There may be stains and tartar all over your mouth which could be easily removed. There may be crooked teeth which could be straightened. There may be big gaps between teeth which could be corrected.
But all they see is THAT ONE TOOTH which they will treat. And you will leave the clinic happy in your ignorance. There could have been so much more done to improve your teeth – health wise and cosmetic value wise.
So in case your dentist is one of those people – YOU take charge. Ask him or her to look at your mouth as a whole. Request him to tell you what is wrong and what is not. What can be improved and what cannot. Then choose. You may choose not to do anything at all or you may like to change a lot of things.
Grasp that power of choice. Make informed decisions.

"We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are."
Max Depree

Wednesday 7 November 2012

The right way to brush your teeth

A lot of dentists advise you a million odd things. They tell you to get fillings done or scaling/cleaning done. They may tell you that you need teeth replaced. However a great many forget to tell you - that a lot of dental problems can be prevented. A little care, the correct brushing technique and a regular check up can prevent a host of dental disease.

So even if no one has ever explained to you the correct technique - it is never too late to learn.

Here's a link to the correct brushing technique :

Brushing technique

As shown in the video we don't really need fancy brushes and expensive toothpastes. Any brush or paste from a standard company will do the job. All you really need is the correct technique.

Along with the watching the video here is a list of a few things you can do to keep your teeth healthy:

1. Change your brush every three months irrespective of how new it looks
2. You don't need more than a pea sized blob of toothpaste.
3. Press the paste into the brush/or tap the brush so that the paste goes down between the bristles.
4. Do not exert excessive pressure as you can damage your teeth and gums.
5. It is recommended that you use a SOFT bristle brush unless specified by your dentist.
6. Clean your tongue.
7. Massage your gums with your fingers gently.
8. Not all patients require a mouthwash. If you are using one or want to use one - make sure you speak to your dentists about it. OTC mouthwashes are a dime a dozen - some of them have a few side effects. So make sure that you speak to your dentist before using one long term.
9. Flossing is an ideal way to supplement your brushing however if you are not going to do it regularly it doesn't have much value.

So Happy Brushing you pearly whites :)

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