Tuesday 5 April 2016

A Step Ahead With Dental Lasers!

LASERS provide an advanced and accurate tool for several procedures in dentistry. In our facility we use it for crown lengthening, depigmentation, excisions, root canal disinfections.

A lesser known but very useful application of a LASER is the treatment of oral ulcers which when treated with a LASER gives immediate relief and heals within 2 days.


Any soft tissue procedure carried out with a dental LASER causes minimal or no bleeding as the light beam helps to clot and seal the exposed blood vessels.

Procedures done with a soft tissue LASER seldom require stitches.

It is possible to perform certain LASER procedures without injections - with just mild topical anesthesia.

Wounds are said to heal faster and patient comfort post procedure is generally higher than with full fledged surgery.

The energy beam sterilizes the area hence infections are minimal.

Why do we use Digital radiography And OPG imaging at our clinic?

The value of a good radiograph in the diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases cannot be stressed enough. Most clinics underestimate a radiograph and hence tend to miss many vital clues. 

With the use of state of the art digital radiography systems we now have the opportunity to take radiographs via sensors which are thin and hence comfortable and also which use the minimal possible dosages. We also boast of an in house OPG machine which means a full mouth x-ray can be taken for screening and other diagnostic purposes. 


Digital radiographs (depending on the type) require 4-10 times LESS radiation than conventional.

They can be viewed immediately and no processing is required.

Due to the higher dynamic resolution range, as long as the exposure factors are within plus or minus 30%, an image of good quality will be produced. Conventional radiography is far less forgiving.

They can be enhanced and manipulated in order to give the best diagnostic value.

They can be stored for years and emailed to the patient for their records.

Friday 5 June 2015

7 Reasons: Why You Should Not Ignore Missing Teeth

There are many reasons why people lose more than one tooth, such as illness, an accident or simply inheriting poor teeth. Each tooth plays a critical role in your oral health & this can have a serious impact on your quality of life. 

Unfortunately in India not many people realize it until they are in their 40's.

Below are the 7 problems that can result when a missing tooth is ignored.

1.You can’t chew well which can lead to digestive difficulty affecting your overall health; also you might have to avoid some of your favorite foods.

2.You can actually start to look old; once you start losing teeth, physical changes to the face are a frequent result. 

3.There is loss of self-esteem if the missing tooth’s space is visible when you talk or smile. 

4.The teeth on either side of the missing tooth will tilt & drift into the missing tooth’s space making them prone to decay & gum diseases.

5.Missing tooth changes the alignment causes changes in chewing patterns and resulting in tooth wear

6.During mastication; pressure is applied on jawbones and teeth which stimulate bone growth. A missing tooth causes the jawbone to shrink because the bone is no longer stimulated during chewing. Bone loss can result and cause further tooth and jaw problems.

7.Sometimes missing tooth might leave behind a unhealed wound where food particles might deposited and may resulting in bad breath.


You can have a fixed replacement made such as Implant, Bridge (crowns), a combination of Implants & Bridges or a Dental Implant Over-denture

You also have a choice of removable replacement a removable partial denture. Dentures cost less than a fixed replacement. 

Call Arya’s Dental Clinic today to schedule your appointment.  

Healthier Teeth - Well.....STRINGS ATTACHED

At the end of every scaling ( cleaning appointment) we usually take out time to talk to the patient about oral hygiene. Ask about their technique - correct it - recommend stuff etc.

The one question we invariably get is - DO I NEED TO FLOSS? (We shall not even go into the 'Floss? What's floss?' category of patients)

Contradictory to the answer we give when the patient asks about using mouthwashes (which is it varies patient to patient) - the answer to this question is YES YES and YES.

If you can and are willing - Do IT.

Why you ask?

We lets just take an example to understand this.

You have a bed at home. You clean on top of it. You clean the sides of it. However the bed is rather low and you cannot get under the bed and hence the underside is left as it is. Now being good quality wood and all - maybe it may never really get ruined. But suppose there was a leak - water got into the room and under the bed as well. Now don't you move that bed so that you can dry the floor beneath ? Better still don't you empty it out and take it outside perhaps so that you could dry the underside of the bed itself? 

Of course you would - given that you don't want fungus growing out the bed. 

Now our teeth have 5 sides as well - and though with meticulous brushing we can clean 3 of them - 2 sides are like the underside of the bed. While nothing much accumulates there most days ( if you have really really tight contacts) - there is always the risk. 

It would be lovely to get those teeth out - wash them in the sink and put them back. But since that isn't happening anytime soon ( unless of course you prefer dentures) - we have to make do with what is available to clean out those surfaces.

Food does get stuck between teeth - even if its not a big chunk - it will be a thin almost transparent layer. Moreover when we are young contacts between teeth are tighter. As we age teeth start collecting more and more food particles making flossing all the more essential. 

Yes it is inconvenient ( but you get used to it)

Yes it is time consuming ( But you get faster with regular use)

Yes it involves putting your fingers in the mouth ( But you can always use those floss handles)

But given that it decreases your trips to the dentist - what more motivation could you possibly want?

There are a zillion different types out there - choose any one based on your convenience and budget.

Use it everyday, once a day. Here's How -How to floss your teeth

Or ask your dentist for a demonstration of the correct technique. 

For those of you who find the regular floss too tedious and inconvenient there are now a multitude of water flossers available - these can be hand held portable devices or even table top devices. You can read more about water flossers and the options available here - Top Water Flossers in India

You can check the technique of how to use the water flosser on this link How to use a water flosser

For more information contact Dr Arya aryasdentalclinic.com

Saturday 16 May 2015

Smile N Feel Positive!

Did you know that simply smiling, even when you don’t feel happy, can automatically put you in a better mood? 

It may seem “fake” at first, and I don’t recommend being disingenuous,

but if you feel negative often at work, don't forget to smile.

:) Smile at a passing coworker in the hall

:) Smile as you answer a customer’s question

:) Smile even while you are by yourself 

Yes, this can really help you have a more positive attitude at work!

This also can help other coworkers think of you as a positive and friendly person, and when those around you are in a good mood and like being around you, it is easier to get rid of any of your own negative feelings. 

Smiling can not only improve your attitude, but if can actually help you be more successful, and believe it or not, some studies suggest that smiling can even help you live longer.

                                        If that isn't a reason to smile, I don’t know what is!

Monday 27 April 2015

Brace yourself - Part II

So now you have decided that you or your child would like to undergo treatment to correct the teeth alignment. Your head must be bursting with questions so let me try to answer a few as simply as possible. 


The process of straightening teeth with the help of an appliance ( wires etc) is called Orthodontics. 


Any child or adult with teeth that are:
  1. Crooked
  2. Protruding
  3. Irregular
  4. With gaps in between
  5. In the wrong bite
It involves putting a wire/brackets on your teeth and regular visits ( once a month mostly) for tightening/changing the wire. After the initial few longish sittings the rest  take only 10-15 minutes.


Treatment time depends on 
  1. Severity of Problem
  2. Age of patient
  3. Regularity of visits
  4. Type of bone/pace of movement of teeth
  5. The inclusion of chin caps/headgear or any myofunctional appliance treatment prior to braces
  6. Teeth stuck deep in the jaw.

Therefore treatment time can vary between 1-3 years. On an average it takes about 16-18 MONTHS (1-1.5 years)

For the most part there is no pain or discomfort. However for a couple of days after the wire is tightened - you may experience mild to moderate discomfort easily borne or corrected with a mild painkiller. 


Teeth removal is needed in patients where space is required to move the teeth and none is available. In certain cases this is avoided by expanding the jaws but many times this is not possible. The space created by the removal of teeth is closed during treatment by the movement of other teeth into the space. THIS IS NOT A PAINFUL PROCESS. Healing in children in particular is extremely fast compared to adults after tooth removal. Most children don't even need painkillers beyond a day or two. 


Sometimes only a single tooth may be the problem and you can choose to forgo orthodontics and consider esthetic dentistry/smile designing with ceramics ( veneers etc).Also certain jaw malformations can only be treated by surgery. However your dentist will inform you if you fall into these categories.


Yes. The very basic kind are metal and ceramic braces. The metal ones are the typical and most common type seen. The ceramic braces are tooth colored. Hence it is less obvious that you are undergoing treatment. Another kind is Lingual braces - The brackets are applied on the teeth from the tongue side - hence cannot be seen at all when you smile. The last kind is the one which is gaining popularity - INVISALIGN or CLEARALIGNER. Your treatment time and expenses will differ from the type of treatment you opt for.

  1. Regular and proper brushing of teeth TWICE DAILY is a MUST to avoid cavities and gum disease.
  2. Very sticky foods like chikki/Eclairs etc are to be avoided.
  3. Foods like corn on the cob ( Bhutta), popcorn, hard nuts/fruits, paani puri, non veg on the bone etc are to be avoided. 
  4. Regular checkups and scaling if required are a must.


The doctor would like for your treatment to be completed as soon as possible. However there is no way to hasten treatment beyond a certain point. The entire point of the treatment is to give you your best possible smile. The whole treatment goal is to make YOU look beautiful at the same time establishing a stable and comfortable bite. Have the patience to get through it.


For more information call on 9011013232 and fix an appointment. 

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Brace Yourself - Part I

Right around the age of 8-9 years - the parents of the child start to worry about the alignment of the teeth. 

Too Big?

Too Out?

Too many spaces?

Too much space???

Too toothy?

They ask themselves. Then ask their relatives. Then they ask the children themselves.

At that age - most children are blissfully unaware of how they look ( ahhh now if only we could retain that self confidence all our lives) 

So finally when their children show no interest or self consciousness - and the relatives reassure the parents that the kid is super cute - the parents abandon the entire idea of braces till Boom!! Fast forward a few years...The child is now 16 and suddenly feels he/she has ugly teeth and a super ugly smile ( This may not be the truth but that is what the child feels)

That is when the parents finally decide to see a dentist. 

Now 16 is not late to align your teeth and age certainly is no hindrance nowadays - however the schedule of most kids these days are busier than most Heads of State and Cardiologists. 

6 am - Tuition
8 am - breakfast
9 - 4 - School
5 pm - Basketball class
6 pm - Music class
7 pm - Tuition
9 pm - Collapse into bed

Sound familiar? 

This schedule peaks right around the time the child passes 10th and does not stop then till they are safely ensconced in some medical or engineering college which is usually out of town. 

Therefore it becomes all the more imperative that any treatment begins much earlier. 

Most Ortho cases last 14 months to 24 months. Hence the earlier the child is brought in ( all factors being favorable) the faster treatment can begin and finish. 

It is never too early to show your child to a dentist. Sometimes some corrective treatment is possible at a very early age thus reducing time for final treatment. Jaw growth etc are then able to be manipulated in case needed. 

However if you do fall in the category of the late realizers - never fear. Like we said - braces are possible at any age. You just need to find the time for the treatment. 

Visit your dentist Today. 

Consult. Discuss. And then Finally come to a decision if treatment is needed and when would be the best time to start.

Work towards building your child's confidence today. 

To be Continued…….

For more information check Arya's Dental Clinic or call 9011013232.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Just How Clean is Clean ?

There was a time when dentists would treat patients without donning gloves and with instruments that were merely dipped in boiling water for a few minutes to clean them. HIV and Hepatitis were not household names then. Viruses didn't figure in lay people's vocabularies or minds. 

Today the only people who don't know or worry about infections are either the very ill informed or the very brave. 

Since most patients figure in neither of the above categories, doctors and dentists all over the world have realized that being lax with regard to sterilization and people's safety is no longer acceptable or pardonable. Also it works both ways. Keeping a strict hygiene protocol ensures that the dentist also does not contract any disease from the patient. We owe it to our families. 

At Dr Arya's we realized long ago that a perfunctory attitude to Sterilization and Hygiene just won't cut it. Right from the inception of our clinic we have been particular with regard to every detail regarding sterilization and infection control.

What do we do right :


A lot of doctors boast about no longer boiling instruments but autoclaving them. Just autoclaving instruments is not nearly enough. The right autoclave matters. The recommended autoclave for Dental Instruments is a Class B autoclave. In these autoclaves the air is removed by a mechanical pump to create a vacuum before steam is introduced into the chamber. This ensures complete and adequate sterilization. Class B Sterilizers ensure the safety of doctors, their staff and patients and legally protects their practice.


We NEVER re-use gloves. Neither examination nor surgical. Washing and drying and reusing gloves is something we have never ever done. We spend much more because of this one little practice. But we believe it is totally worth the expense.  Disposables are Disposables. This means that the plastic cups that patients use to rinse their mouths are NEVER washed and reused again. The same applies for suction tips, tissue papers and all other disposables.


You can wash and clean and autoclave an instrument but if you store it improperly - it all amounts to naught.  We bag each instrument individually before autoclaving. After the cycle is complete each instrument remains in its individual sealed pouch. We only open pouches when the patient is in the chair and we are about to begin the procedure. 


We know several dentists that work with patients without masks and sometimes without gloves. And when there is a known HIV positive case or a patient with tuberculosis - they will be scrambling to wear double gloves and double masks. We find that attitude senseless. You can never know what patient is carrying what disease. Not everyone has symptoms. It is better to treat every patient with the same kind of protection and care. This ensures that you contract nothing and you transfer nothing harmful as well. Forget about big diseases - we do not want you to catch even the common cold from us. 

We don't save lives. At least not like heart specialists and surgeons. But we do make a difference. 

However our work will have no meaning if we end up harming or compromising our patients in any way. 

Your health is as important to us as it is to you. 

For more information log on to http://aryasdentalclinic.com/

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Is your Dentist using six handed dentistry ?

Imagine a situation like this in your everyday life. You are the master chef standing in front of a stove. You have two sous chefs cutting, chopping, washing, cleaning, broiling - all you need to do is take the items they hand you and put it into the vessel, season it and bring the whole dish together. You decide the time it is to be cooked and the degree. But you don't have to move your eyes away from the stove for even a second unless you wanted to because everything peripheral is being handled by your sous chefs. That is six handed cooking :)

For those of you visiting dentists since years - you will remember the day when for every step the dentist would get up - move around - collect equipment - materials etc. Sometimes he would hold the suction himself with his left hand while working with the right. i.e if there was suction in the first place in the clinic. 

Most dentists would work standing up for the majority of procedures and usually the patient would be seated upright. 

Today working in such a position is almost unheard of. 

Most patients are treated in supine ( lying down) positions and dentists are almost always seated. Working without an assistant is considered ridiculously inconvenient. Dentists usually work with at least 1 assistant - positioned immediately next to him on the patient's left. The assistant's hands along with the doctor's make for 4 hands. However today even this is considered outdated. Most dentists today prefer to work with 2 assistants. If there are 2 assistants - it means 6 hands are all working towards one procedure. 

Most dentists today don't move from their chair. Once seated they position their patients in such a way that maximum visibility and access is achieved while at the same time both doctor and patient are comfortable. The assistants do all the moving about, handing him instruments, materials, holding the suction etc. 

So what's in all this for you? As a patient? 

Why is four handed/six handed dentistry important for the patient? What do you have to gain?

1. Dentistry is faster. With more people helping - the doctor is free to spend all his time on your treatment alone which brings down treatment time rapidly.

2. It is better. Since the doctor is not distracted by small auxiliary procedures - he is able to deliver better service because he can concentrate on the procedure. 

3. Infection control. The doctor does not touch materials/equipment other than those essential to your procedure. The rest are touched/handled by the assistants making transfer of micro-organisms less likely.

If your dentist works uses 6 handed dentistry it means he/she is keeping up with the demands of today's standards of dentistry and is trying to ensure that you get the best possible treatment available ( obviously other factors count too).  

For more information  mail us at drarysclinic@gmail.com

Or check out our website www.aryasdentalcare.com