Saturday 23 April 2011

Wisdom and your teeth

Wisdom teeth really have nothing to do with wisdom other than the fact that they erupt in your mouth about the time wisdom is supposed to put in an appearance in your life.i.e.about 18 years

Of course we all know the likelihood of wisdom appearing that early in our lives :) At 18 these days - we are just about ready to begin to make out mistakes...forget about learning how to rectify them or avoid them.

So back to teeth - These so called wisdom teeth - are just like the rest of your teeth. The only thing different is time when they come out of the closet(bone) - 17-25 years as opposed to all the other teeth which have finished appearing by the age of 13-14.

Why do wisdom teeth give so much trouble?

The theory goes that with each passing generation and as part of evolution in response to the kind of food we eat etc - our jaw sizes are reducing. However our teeth have remained unchanged with time. Result - less space in the jaw to accommodate the full complement of teeth.

So what we are left with - is one or two or all four wisdom teeth stuck in the jaw for all eternity. No matter what we try - they are never going to erupt into the mouth - simply because there is ABSOLUTELY no space. Its much like fitting a huge cupboard into a tiny room - it isn't even going to get past the doorway. Sometimes it could be the case of trying to get the cupboard in horizontally instead of vertically. In case of the tooth we cannot rotate it to enter the mouth in the right direction.

So now what?

If it isn't giving you any trouble - and it is not causing any trouble - then the  thing to do is - LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE. If it begins to pain or you are having regular episodes of discomfort - you need to have it checked.

What is the treatment?

First things first - the dentist will probably want to see an x-ray of the tooth. In all probability you may have to take an OPG ( which is basically an xray of all the teeth together)

 If the tooth looks like it can erupt naturally - the dentist will aid in its eruption by cutting the gum tissue which is covering it and preventing it from coming out.

However if the position of the tooth looks as if its not going to ever erupt in a normal position or if the tooth is impinging on the tooth in front of it and damaging it the dentist will ask you to go in for a Disimpaction procedure.

Most people hear extraction surgery and want to jump off their chairs and run miles and never come back. I don't blame them :) It does sound scary.

But the truth is - it no longer is as inconvenient or painful. We won't lie - dental procedures will never really be pleasant. But they aren't torture anymore either.

All that is involved is a tiny injection ( that too with topical anesthetic applied first so as to minimize the pain of the prick of the needle), a little pressure and a couple of stitches.

What can you expect after the surgery?

1. a little swelling ( minimal if you apply ice after the procedure)
2. a little decrease in mouth opening ( for a few days)
3. little or no pain ( because you will be taking painkillers). Very rarely will there be severe pain ( only in cases of dry socket)

Maybe - just maybe - its called a wisdom tooth - because there is a whole lot of wisdom in removing it rather than bearing the pain of having it in your mouth.

Monday 11 April 2011

How to Choose your dentist?

I never cease to wonder when I see people talking about their doctors/dentists. Conversations often run like this -

Scenario 1:
Patient 1: hey... I need to see a skin know anyone?
P2: yeah... but whats the problem? rashes? why don't you apply so and so cream? Its miraculous....
P1: Oh I tried that...didn't work...
P2: alright then ... there is this doctor practicing at xyz...he's good....
P1: yes...i have heard of him too.... but I want someone closer to my home in abc area... 

Scenario 2:

Patient 1: hey... I need to see a skin know anyone?
P2: yeah... but whats the problem? rashes? why don't you apply so and so cream? Its miraculous....
P1: Oh I tried that...didn't work...
P2: alright then ... there is this doctor practising at xyz...he's good....
P1: yes...I have heard good things of him too.... but he's expensive.... Know someone cheaper??..

It is always interesting the factors that people consider - convenience, cost and recommendations. The latter is fine by me - and to an extent maybe even the cost.... but convenience?

Why'd you risk your health/smile with someone just because he/she set up clinic close to where you live/work?

How do you choose a good piece of jewellery? Do you go to the first shop near your home? or do you check up on several outlets? Do you prefer a place with a reputation for selling genuine stuff or do you write out cheques for anything that glitters?

The following guidelines should help you get a good dentist:
  1. REPUTATION: People don't acquire reputations overnight. Talk to people -friends and family. Find out their experiences. If someone has something good to say - make a mental note of the name of the dentist. (remember no one likes dentistry - so its difficult to find someone who will rave about a dentist - but even if he/she agrees that the dentist was good - its a truly positive sign)
  2. AMBIANCE: Check out the general appearance of the clinic - is it clean/hygienic? Does the ambiance put you off or is it pleasant?If the doctor has gone to the trouble of ensuring that you are seated in clean/neat/pleasant surroundings - it means the dentist is interested that you have a pleasant experience.
  3. STERILIZATION AND SAFETY: Inquire about their sterilization protocol. Are all instruments put through the proper cycle of autoclaving and sterilization? Are they stored properly? Are disposables actually disposed of - after every patient? 
  4. PERSONAL ATTENTION: Note the way the dentist speaks to you. The general vibe from the dentist should be friendly and confident. Does he allot sufficient time to listen to your queries? Does he/she take note of your requirements or does he thrust his own treatment plan onto you without your proper explanation? A doctor who listens to you fully, then formulates a treatment plan with more than one option - is someone who cares about what you need. The dentist should explain to you your condition, how he diagnosed it(showing you x-rays and photographs ) and possible reasons for its occurrence.
  5. PATIENT CASE PHOTOGRAPHS: If you are going in for aesthetic/cosmetic procedures or dental implants - request to see previous cases done by the dentist. Most well established dentists have a patient case gallery. This is well within your rights as a patient. Moreover it will give you a fair idea what to expect, the possibilities available and the skill/experience of the dentist. 
  6. DO YOUR HOMEWORK: If you have been referred a dentist's name - check online to see if they have a website. This way you have a basic idea about the doctor, the kind of work they do and also the facilities available. Also most dental procedures/products can be googled up anytime. Ask your dentist for names of procedures and products. If you need to decide about a procedure in a hurry - use the dental office computer to educate yourself immediately. Every good dental office has patient treatment related books/pamphlets/brochures available too for those not too net savvy.
  7. COSTS: Do not reject a dentist on the basis of his/her treatment charges being higher than someone else. Ask the dentist politely to justify/explain the charges. Remember - there are a wide variety of materials used. Dental materials come in various qualities - and their prices differ naturally. Also a more experienced dentist will naturally charge you slightly higher than someone with less qualifications and experience. Listen - question - and then choose. ( A little note here for compulsive bargainers - please do not embarrass your doctor by attempting to bargain. Instead - if you cannot afford a certain treatment - explain your budget restrictions and request him for an alternative treatment plan).
  8. CONVENIENCE: Nobody likes travelling miles to visit a dentist but forsaking a good doctor for convenience is foolishness. If you have identified a good dentist but he/she practices some distance from your place - ask him/her to reduce the number of appointments required. If you are co-operative and do not mind keeping your mouth open for larger amounts of time- the dentist will be willing to accommodate longer appointments for the sake of your convenience. This way you have achieved your objective of visiting a doctor of repute as well as decreased your travel time. Also identify convenience stores/relatives nearby - this way you can get some shopping/visiting done on the same day - justifying the distance you have traveled. 
Just like your health - your smile is something that enhances your life. It makes you feel good about yourself. It make you confident when you face the world. Entrust your smile to someone qualified, experienced and caring

Entrust your smile to someone who cares about your smile as much as you do. 

Monday 4 April 2011

Your Child's First dental visit

I have lost count of the number of times I have been asked this question....' when should I start bringing my child to a dentist?'

Most people imagine that if and when the child has trouble with his/her teeth - that is when you go see a dentist. In short - they apply the strategy they follow to their child. 

I would like to ask a very simple question - " When do you take your child for his/her very first medical check up?" 

'Do you wait for them to fall sick? Or do you visit the doctor soon after the child is born - monthly - sometimes even weekly? Do you not make sure the child gets his/her shots regularly and properly?'

So then why the stepmotherly treatment with regard to the child's teeth? 

Your child's first dental visit should coincide with the eruption of the very first milk tooth or deciduous tooth

There are several advantages of visiting the dentist so early -

  1. You can learn how to take care of the child's oral hygiene  early on.
  2.  Abnormalities and malformations of teeth/jaws can be detected early.
  3. Eruption timings of teeth differ and at times may be abnormal. This can be detected early. 
  4. Most importantly - if you wait till your child has a problem then his first dental visit may involve a procedure that is uncomfortable. This will determine the way he views dentists all his life, which would involve him further avoiding dentists and treatment. If regularly check ups begin early - the child begins to believe that not all trips to the dentist involve procedures/treatment. He begins to adopt a better attitude which will serve him well later on. 
  5. Also not all parents are good at detecting problems with their child's teeth. It is not their fault really. They are not dentists. So if you wait until there is frank pain - sometimes its too late to save the tooth. If you visit the dentist regularly - early lesions can be caught out before they progress.
  6. There is a lot of preventive treatment that can be done to prevent cavities. 
  7. Nursing caries/baby bottle tooth decay must be detected and corrected early. 

Have you noticed how children co-operate better with Doctors rather than dentists? Even though doctors give injections ( which may be painful) too? It is simply because the doctor is far more familiar to the child. This familiarity is the result of lots and lots of friendly check ups and visits over the years right from birth. 

Give your child a chance to 'LIKE' his/her dentist :)
We do not like being feared/hated all the time :)