Tuesday, 28 February 2012

( Part III) aaah...What I wouldn't do to chew nuts again!!!

 Statistics show that 69% of adults ages 35 to 44 have lost at least one permanent tooth to an accident, gum disease, a failed root canal or tooth decay.

A lot of people do not replace these missing teeth leading to further dental and joint complications. Some replace them with removable prostheses and hate them.  Others get fixed bridges done - which are great but they involve grinding away two adjacent teeth for support. 
                   A dental BRIDGE ( Two teeth have been ground to fix the bridge)

So how are fixed teeth possible ?

Dental Implants. They have revolutionized dental treatment. 

Well - What are they?

Your natural tooth has a root ( which lies hidden in the gum) and a crown which is what you see in the mouth. When you remove a tooth - the entire crown and root is removed, leaving nothing in the bone. 

Naturally to fix a tooth we need something to support it on - we can't expect to sit pretty on the gum alone. Feviquick does have it limitations :)

So how do we recreate the tooth root? We place in a titanium insert into the bone. Let it heal and then fix a crown to that insert which acts as a root. 

 (A dental implant in the bone. On either side you can see untouched natural teeth with their roots. )

Is this a new untested technique? No - its been around for more than 60 years - tried - tested and working successfully. 

Is it safe? Absolutely. It is just the reverse of getting a tooth removed. Instead of removing - we are putting in.So if you are healthy enough to get a tooth removed - you are in all probability healthy enough to get it replaced with a dental implant.

Is it not a foreign body being put in? How will my body react? Titanium is a biocompatible material. Moreover when huge titanium implants are being inserted into knees everyday around the world with no issues - how will a tiny little screw 10 mm long cause any trouble?

How many teeth can I replace? as many as you need or want. Right from 1 tooth to 28 teeth can be replaced.

What is the success rate of implants? Depending on bone quality, and other factors different articles claim success rates of 90-97%

What if my implants fail? Nothing. That is the best part. Failed implants don't mean any trouble. They can simply be removed and replaced at a later date. Not many treatments in dentistry are so reversible.

A few more of your questions can be addressed at http://www.perio.org/consumer/2m.htm

Don't struggle with removable dentures. Don't sit around with missing teeth and big gaps. Don't give up on your favorite foods for the lack of chewing efficiency. 

Find a qualified dentist. Ask for dental implants. 

Once you are done with the treatment you will kick yourself that you didn't get it done earlier.

( Part II) aaah...What I wouldn't do to chew nuts again!!!

Hats off to those people who survived and managed with removable dentures - either partial or total. The whole idea of having to remove your teeth every night, wash them and clean them like they are dinner plates and then store them at your bedside is a concept that few are able to come to terms with in today's day and age. 

Removable dentures make you feel old. Period. 

You may be 16 or 60 years old. If you have lost one or all teeth and have been wearing a removable partial/complete denture (RPD/CD) for any length of time - you will understand what we are talking about.

We are not saying that removable prostheses are bad or an incorrect treatment modality. They are not. They still have value in certain situations. But there are better and more convenient options. 

Imagine having your upper front teeth missing and having to remove your RPD in the night. Imagine your husband waking up in the middle of the night and finding his beautiful wife with a big huge window in the front of her mouth? 

For people who wear these prostheses - sudden guests late in the evening means a scramble for their bowls of water at the bedside and fumbling with the denture before rapidly pushing it in their mouth to smilingly face their late night visitors. 

For others it means talking a little less in weddings for fear that their lower denture may jump out of its place and expose to all their gossiping relatives what they imagine to be their weakness. 

For some it means covering their face with mortification when suddenly in front of strangers - their kids are found playing on the floor with what suspiciously looks like mamma's teeth :)

It may sound funny but all this takes a toll on you mentally. It makes you feel old, broken and ancient.  It makes you feel defective. It makes you feel past your expiry date.

A confident smile with all your teeth present and FIXED makes you feel confident. It makes you feel young and vital. And a confident smile is a couple of dental sittings away.

Teeth should be in the mouth not out of it. Not floating around in a glass of water.  

The next time you wake up in the morning and reach to your bedside table - let it not be for teeth - instead let it be for a cup of steaming hot tea made by an appreciative husband or wife.